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Are You Planning A Uganda Safari To Queen Elizabeth? Scroll Down..


Queen Elizabeth Park Introduction - Location, Wildlife & History

Queen Elizabeth National Park may well be the quintessential wilderness reserve in Uganda since it has the distinction of boasting an incredible diversity of natural treasures across its 1978 square kilometers (764 square miles). On your safari vacation, you will be able to view a variety of lush habitats, including dense forests and bushlands, rich grassy savannah plains, rolling green hills, and loamy swamps bordered by low growth. On a clear day at distance, you will be able to see the famous world-renowned Mountains of the Moon — also known as the Rwenzori Mountains. These pristine landscapes of Queen Elizabeth support a fabulous variety of mammals —some 95 species — including large herds of elephant, buffalo, and antelope roaming the wilderness. Numerous pods of hippos inhabit the famed Kazinga Channel around the Mweya Peninsula, which connects Lakes George and Edward. Take a boat cruise on the channel and you may also spot crocodiles, which have reappeared after having been wiped out in the region by a volcanic eruption about 8,000 years ago.

Among the predators you may spot on your game drive safari trips in Queen Elizabeth Park are the lion, leopard, hyena, and smaller cats like serval, genet, or civet. The park is also proud to host more than 600 varieties of birds, some of which are endemic to the region and rare in other parts of the world. Originally gazetted as a national park in 1952, the park opened under the name, Kazinga National Park. It received its current name after a visit by the Queen of England in 1954. This region forms part of the Great Rift Valley of Africa, and saw violent volcanic activity in its past. Reminders of the eruptions remain, and visitors will see various craters that now fill with water during certain seasons. The Katwe explosion craters mark the highest point of Queen Elizabeth National Park, sitting at 1350 meters above sea level the lowest point is at 910 meters at Lake Edward.

The park’s southern Ishasha sector is a much-visited travel destination with its close proximity to Bwindi, thanks to a wondrous sight: magnificent lions that have learned to climb fig trees. They can often be seen sprawled on the branches, napping in the midday sun. On the northeast, the Kasenyi Plains offers the classic African savannah plains with its varied predator-prey interactions. Yet another favorite tourist attraction for primate lovers is the Kyambura Gorge, which is famous not only for its rich variety of flora, but also for the family of chimpanzees that live here. The forest gorge also supports other primates, bringing the total up to 10 species. Queen Elizabeth Park (best time to visit) straddles the equator, and bush holidaying visitors in Uganda enjoy standing for photos on this imaginary line encircling the earth.

Key Takeaways

  • Reserve covering an area of 1978 square kilometers with an unbelievably gorgeous diversity of landscapes
  • Abounds with 95 mammals and over 600 species of birds
  • Watered by the Kazinga Channel that connects Lake George and Lake Edward
  • Ishasha region is famous for fig tree-climbing lions. Kyambura Gorge known for its 10 species of primates including chimpanzees
  • Forms a part of the Albertine’s Great Rift Valley of Africa

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Travel Guide Content - Start Here

1. What Are The Wildlife Experiences In Queen Elizabeth National Park?
What Are The Areas Of Interest In Queen Elizabeth National Park
2. Lion-viewing In The Ishasha Sector
3. Kasenyi Savannah Plains
4. Scenic Views Of Lake Edward From Mweya Peninsula
5. Boat Cruising On The Kazinga Channel
6. Chimpanzee Trekking In The Kyambura Gorge
7. The Shoebill Swamp At Lake George
8. Volcanic Explosion Craters Around Queen Elizabeth Park
9. Katwe Salt Lake
10. Primates & Bird Watching In Maramagambo Forest
Queen Elizabeth Park - An Overview

1. What Are The Wildlife Experiences In Queen Elizabeth National Park?

Key Takeaways

  • Massive herds of herbivores such as 2,500 elephants, over 10,000 Cape buffaloes, 5,000 hippos, and various others including the elusive sitatunga antelope
  • 10 species of primates including habituated chimpanzees thriving in the Kyambura Gorge, Kalinzu and Maramagambo Forests
  • 600 varieties of birds mainly found around the Kazinga Channel, Mweya Peninsula, Lake George, Lake Edward, and crater lakes
  • Safari game drives and birdwatching excursions to spot the fantastic array of wildlife
  • A wide diversity of predators and big and small cats with a special focus on the tree-climbing lions

Big Cats & Other Predators Of Queen Elizabeth Park

You’re likely to spot some of the big and small cats that inhabit Queen Elizabeth Park on safari tours. Your guide will help you find lions, shy leopards, civets, genets, and serval cats. Hyenas and side-striped jackals are also present here. You’ll certainly notice that the male lions in this park sport a distinctive black mane, while the lionesses display incredible tree-climbing skills that allow them to sprawl out on the limbs of fig trees, napping or waiting for Ugandan kob to wander by.

Grazers & Herbivores Of Queen Elizabeth Park

Queen Elizabeth Park boasts massive herds of grazers and ungulates, including 2,500 elephants and more than 10,000 buffalo. The lakes and Kazinga Channel host more than 5,000 hippos, while the grasslands and forests abound with Ugandan kob, warthogs, waterbuck, bushbuck, topi, and the rare sitatunga antelope, among others.

Primate Species Of Queen Elizabeth Park

Safari adventurers who love primates will be thrilled to find up to 10 species on their travels through various sectors of the Queen Elizabeth Park, including a family of habituated chimpanzees found in the Kyambura Gorge and Kalinzu Forest. If you hike along the woodland pathways of the Maramagambo Forest, you may encounter black and white colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, olive baboons, vervet monkeys, L’Hoest’s monkeys, blue monkeys, and various others. Chimpanzees are also present in Maramagambo. If you are lucky enough, you may also spot bush babies and pottos on your early evening forest walks.

Beautiful Birds Of Queen Elizabeth Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park hosts more than 600 species of birds, including aquatic types that inhabit the Kazinga Channel, Mweya Peninsula, Lake George, Lake Edward, crater lakes, and other forested and wetland areas. Should you explore the channel and lakes by boat, you might be able to spot species like the pink and white-backed pelican, yellow-backed weaver, pied kingfisher, grey-headed kingfisher, African fish eagle, African jacana, white-faced whistling, squacco heron, spur-winged plover, the elusive shoebill stork, open-billed stork, knob-billed duck, greater and lesser flamingo, black crake, long-tailed cormorant, papyrus canary, wattled plover, papyrus gonolek, and water thick-knee.

Opt for a nature walking excursion in the forests of Queen Elizabeth Park and you will be treated to sightings of the martial eagle, African broadbill, Verreaux’s eagle owl, white-tailed lark, African skimmer, black bee-eater, bar-tailed godwit, Chapin’s flycatcher, white-winged warbler, corncrake, black-rumped buttonquail, and various others. The wetlands of the reserve have their own variety of attractions for ornithologists. Spend long birdwatching vacation hours photographing Ugandan specimens like the swamp flycatcher, thin-tailed nightjars, Collard Pranticles, white-winged terns, and malachite.

When hiking through the Kyambura Gorge on a chimpanzee tracking safari trip, keep a sharp lookout for birds like the grey woodpecker, hairy-breasted barbet, purple-headed starling, black & African emerald cuckoo, speckled tinkerbird, green Hylia, white-spotted flufftail, and broad-tailed warbler.
What Are The Wildlife Experiences In Queen Elizabeth National Park

What Are The Areas Of Interest In Queen Elizabeth National Park?

2. Lion-viewing In The Ishasha Sector

Key Takeaways

  • Located in the remote southern regions of the reserve
  • Excursion best combined with a gorilla trekking tour to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
  • Famous for sightings of lionesses napping on the branches of fig trees and various grazing species
The Ishasha sector is in the remote southern regions of Queen Elizabeth National Park. Travelers may plan their tour of this marvelous area of the reserve by combining it with a gorilla trekking safari to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The highlight of this sector, without a doubt, is the tree-climbing lions that are often spotted sprawled and napping on the branches of the fig trees. Other wildlife the area is famous for include the Ugandan kob, topi, buffalo, and elephant, along with the rare shoebill stork, which can be spotted in the golden savannah grasses, shaded by spreading acacia trees.
Lion-viewing In The Ishasha Sector

3. Kasenyi Savannah Plains

Key Takeaways

  • Ideal location for photographing massive herds of gazers in the green and golden savannah
  • Ideal birding destination which is home to various grassland species
  • Sightings and interactions of stealthy predators looking for prey meals
The spectacular grasslands of Kasenyi are the perfect location in Uganda for photographing massive herds of ungulates and grazers. Tuck away vacation memories of the golden and green plains filled with Ugandan kob, majestic elephants, and warthogs wandering the plains, while savannah birds like guinea fowl, red-throated spurfowl, grey-crowned cranes, and yellow-throated long crows adorn the landscape with their fabulous colors. You may even spot lions lurking in the tall grass, looking for an easy meal. Some lions also climb trees at Kasenyi.
Kasenyi Savannah Plains

4. Scenic Views Of Lake Edward From Mweya Peninsula

Key Takeaways

  • Picturesque views of the Kazinga Channel just before it enters Lake Edward at the Mweya Peninsula
  • The starting point for boating safaris is on the edge of Lake Edward and game drives in the park
  • Elevated location of Mweya Peninsula providing ample opportunities for photography
  • Fabulous scenic landscapes including Kasenyi grasslands, winding channel, and the distant Rwenzori Mountains
  • Sightings of animals in the undergrowth and in the waters of the channel
The Mweya Peninsula creates a panoramic vista where it exits Kazinga Channel onto Lake Edward. This location holds the park’s Visitors Center, and it’s the boarding point for boat trips on the Kazinga Channel or safari vehicles for Mweya Peninsula game drives in the early morning or late afternoon. Cruise along the waterway over a two-hour excursion and you will have the opportunity to view a stunning array of Queen Elizabeth National Park wildlife, aquatic, terrestrial and avian. Mweya has a somewhat elevated location and allows you to photograph the savannah grasslands of Kasenyi, sparkling waters of the channel, and the distant but picturesque Rwenzori Mountains on a clear day. You may also sight leopards in the undergrowth, crocodiles on the sandbanks, elephants and other herbivores drinking on its banks, and hippos snorting in the shallows.
Scenic Views Of Lake Edward From Mweya Peninsula

5. Boat Cruising On The Kazinga Channel

Key Takeaways

  • Natural waterway connecting Lake George on the east with Lake Edward on the west
  • Shallow Lake George spread over an area of 250 square kilometers
  • Lake George receiving waters from the Rwenzori Mountains and draining into the Kazinga Channel
  • Lake Edward known as one of the largest freshwater lakes in Africa covering an area of 2,000 square kilometers
  • Boat trips on the lake to view a stunning diversity of terrestrial and avian wildlife coming to the water’s edge to drink
The Kazinga Channel covers a distance of 32 kilometers (20 miles) and is one of the most striking attractions of the world-famous Queen Elizabeth National Park. A natural waterway, it connects Lake George on the east with Lake Edward on the west. As you will experience on your safari holiday, Lake George is a shallow lake with an average depth of 2.4 meters, and is spread over an area of 250 square kilometers. It receives water from the Rwenzori Mountains and drains into the Kazinga Channel, which carries the flows to Lake Edward. One of the major freshwater lakes in Africa, this lake covers an area of 2,000 square kilometers and is shared by Uganda and neighboring Congo.

If you take a boat trip on the channel, you will get a sense of the stunning diversity of the birdlife and land animals of Queen Elizabeth Park. Look out for lofty wildlife like the elephant, hippo, buffalo, and perhaps even a leopard lurking among the papyrus reeds. You may also see monitor lizards, crocodiles, and frogs basking on the sandy banks or near papyrus reeds, as well as aquatic birds of Africa like fish eagles, weaver birds, marabou storks, and various others.
Cruising On The Kazinga Channel

6. Chimpanzee Trekking In The Kyambura Gorge

Key Takeaways

  • Kyambura Gorge, also called Chambura carved out by the Kyambura River
  • Lying at a depth of 100 meters below the Kichwamba inclines extending to 1 kilometer at its widest point
  • Tracking down chimpanzees under the supervision of guides assigned by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Option of combining it with Kalinzu Forest chimpanzee trekking excursion
  • Opportunity to spend time with a family of 15 to 20 habituated chimpanzees that live here giving it the name, “Valley of the Apes”. Kalinzu Forest has a community of 40 chimpanzees
  • Sightings of various other species of primates and varieties of bird
The Kyambura Gorge, in the eastern section of Queen Elizabeth National Park, has been carved out of the landscape by the Kyambura River. Also called Chambura, the gorge lies at a depth of 100 meters below the Kichwamba inclines and is one kilometer wide at its widest point. The waters of the river have helped create a unique biome in which thrives a rich diversity of rainforest flora, which in turn supports birds, animals, and primates.

Your trip can include trekking in the company of trained Uganda Wildlife Authority guides, who will help you spot the family of 15 to 20 habituated chimpanzees that live here. Their presence has earned the valley the nickname “Valley of Apes,” but it’s also known for the presence of other primates of Africa such as the black and white colobus monkey, vervet monkey, olive baboon, and red-tailed monkey. After a picnic at the entrance of the gorge, you will enter a lush, green world of tropical forests with a thick canopy that all but shuts out the sunlight. Having previously encountered the grassy plains of Queen Elizabeth Park, your travels in the Kyambura Gorge will be a fascinating introduction to a totally different aspect of the reserve. We also recommend tracking down the chimpanzee community at Kalinzu Forest (30 minutes away), where 40 habituated individuals exist.
Chimpanzee Trekking In The Kyambura Gorge

7. The Shoebill Swamp At Lake George

Key Takeaways

  • Located near the park covering an area of 250 square kilometers. Shoebills are typically found north of the lake
  • Shallow in nature with an average depth of 2.4 meters and standing on the western section of East Africa’s Great Rift Valley
  • Fed by the streams from the Rwenzori Mountains that passes through farmlands on the northeast and drains into the Kazinga Channel which carries the waters to Lake Edward
  • Abounds with various species of fish with a Ramsar birding site bordering the lake on the north
  • Tourist spots on the main islands in the lake, Iranqara, Kankurang, and Akika
Although relatively small, covering an area of about 250 square kilometers, Lake George is immensely beautiful and an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area - IBA. Located near Queen Elizabeth National Park, the lake is shallow, with an average depth of just 2.4 meters. Located in the western section of East Africa’s Great Rift Valley - the Albertine, it is fed by streams including the Mubuku, Rumi, and Nsonge, which emerge from the Rwenzori Mountains, and the Mpanga and Dura, which flow through the farmlands to the northeast. The 32-kilometer Kazinga Channel drains the lake and carries the water onwards to Lake Edward.

The lush papyrus wetlands that form part of the Ramsar swamps border the lake on the north and are home to the rare sitatunga antelope and shoebill stork, found at the dense Shoebill Swamp, which you might be able to spot on your Queen Elizabeth Park trip. An interesting addition to your safari vacation is visiting the major islands in the lake, including Iranqara, Kankurang, and Akika. Lake George attracts various species of mammals that come to its shores to drink. The lake is also home to numerous types of fish, including haplochromis nigripinnis, tilapia nilotica, thermocyclops hyalinus, and cyclopoid copepod.
The Shoebill Swamp At Lake George

8. Volcanic Explosion Craters Around Queen Elizabeth Park

Key Takeaways

  • 72 circular craters which are remnants of ancient volcanic activity in the Albertine Rift Valley of Africa
  • Volcanoes have been extinct for centuries, but some still emit sulfurous gases while others form seasonal lakes during the wet seasons
  • Game drives following a 27-kilometer trail running from Kabatoro Gate and the Queen’s Pavilion
  • Traveling to reach the Katwe Explosion Craters and Bunyaruguru Crater Field
  • Excursion ending at the Ndali-Kasenda Crater Field near Kibale National Park
As Queen Elizabeth National Park forms part of the Albertine Rift Valley of Africa, it bears remnants of ancient volcanic activity in the form of 72 circular craters. Research into the area’s geological history reveals that volcanic eruptions were once so powerful that they spewed ash, rock, and other debris over an area much wider than the currently visible crater rims. Although these vents have been considered extinct for a long while now, they still emit sulfurous odors. Take a trip back in time by visiting these scenic vistas. Some of the craters collect water as seasonal lakes during some months of the year!

On your game drives, you can follow a 27-kilometer trail that spans the area between the Kabatoro Gate and the Queen’s Pavilion, in the shadow of the Rwenzori Mountains. Revel in the striking panoramas you’ll see here, encompassing craters, lakes, the slopes of the Rift Valley, and the Kazinga Channel. Travel to the Katwe Explosion Craters inside Queen Elizabeth National Park before going on to explore the Bunyaruguru Crater Field, which sits on the Kichwamba slopes. If you are going to Kibale National Park, do stop over at the Ndali-Kasenda Crater Field.
Volcanic Explosion Craters Around Queen Elizabeth Park

9. Katwe Salt Lake

Key Takeaways

  • Thriving salt mining industry dating back to the 16th century
  • A significant vantage point for the Katwe-Kabatoro community
  • Sightings of migratory flamingos in the months from August to November at Lake Munyanyange
Katwe Lake in Queen Elizabeth Park forms the site of a thriving salt mining industry that harks back to the 16th century. The region also serves as an important vantage point for the Katwe-Kabatoro community. Nearby is the bird sanctuary of Lake Munyanyange, where flamingos can be sighted from August to November.

10. Primates & Bird Watching In Maramagambo Forest

Key Takeaways

  • Known as a famous birdwatcher’s haven showcasing an amazing diversity, also has primates including chimpanzees
  • Cormorant House, a massive tree that is coated by the guano of a huge flock of birds that roost on it
  • The unique Bat Cave with a viewing deck for tourists
If you enjoy watching primates and birds of Africa, you must go on a tour of Maramagambo Forest in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Concealing crater lakes such as Nyamisingiri and Kyasanduka, this diverse woodland is home to various species of primates like chimpanzees, blue monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, vervet monkeys, baboons and also birds like the Rwenzori Turaco, Ross’s Turaco, forest fly catchers, dark-capped yellow warbler, red-tailed bristle bill, sulphur-breasted bush shrike, white-napped and green pigeons, fawn-breasted wax-bill, bat hawk, dark-capped yellow warbler etc. The “Bat Cave” viewing gallery and the “Cormorant House” are must-visit attraction spots here. Complete your safari trip with a chimpanzee safari and birdwatching excursion, and ending with a cultural history of the Nyanziibiri community and the nearby Banyaraguru hut.

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What Safari Attractions & Tour Activities To Experience During Your Queen Elizabeth Visit?

Key Takeaways

  • Well-known across the world for its incredible natural beauty with diverse landscapes and a stunning variety of wildlife and flora. Sprawled across Uganda’s western section of the Albertine Rift Valley
  • Kasenyi plains teems with herbivores that thrive on the grasslands amidst stealthy predators
  • Forest treks in the Kyambura Gorge which is home to 10 species of primates including a habituated family of chimpanzees
  • Boat cruises on the Kazinga Channel to view diverse terrestrial and aquatic wildlife including birdlife
  • Sightings of majestic lions napping in the fig trees in the Ishasha Sector
Queen Elizabeth National Park is well-known the world over for its immense natural beauty, fabulous landscapes, rich diversity of flora, and an unbelievable variety of wildlife that includes terrestrial and avian fauna, reptiles, insects, amphibians, and so much more to enjoy on your African safari vacation in the reserve. The park, you’ll find, spreads across the western end of the Albertine Great Rift Valley. Ancient volcanic activity has given it fertile soil that supports lush vegetation and the animal life that depends on it. Geological activity has also added to the park’s beauty by creating a series of craters, marking the spots where volcanoes thousands of years ago spewed ash into the surroundings.

Today, the crater interiors often form seasonal lakes, which you can tour on game drives in Queen Elizabeth Park. The vast savannah grasslands of the Kasenyi plains stretch as far as the eye can see and provide grazing grounds for the park’s herbivores, while predators lurk in the tall grasses, looking to snag a careless Ugandan kob. The plains are dotted with acacia and euphorbia trees, while the lush forests of Maramagambo, Kalinzu and Kyambura Gorge form canopies so thick that the sunlight can barely filter down to the floor.
Queen Elizabeth Park Safari Activities & Tour Attractions
Wander amongst these dense gorge environs on treks, and you may encounter some of the 10 primates that thrive in the reserve, including a family of habituated chimpanzees, black and white colobus monkeys, and a superb variety of avian life. You can follow the Kyambura River as it meanders through the gorge, carving it even deeper. Yet another prime birdwatching locale is the Mweya Peninsula, where the Kazinga Channel meets Lake Edward. This area is rich with aquatic birds that can be seen on boating trips in its green-blue waters.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is famous for impressive herds of elephant, buffalo, and other herbivores. If you take a launch ride on the Kazinga Channel, you may have the opportunity to view some of them coming to drink along the shores. This picturesque channel is one of the highlights of the park and connects Lake George on the east with Lake Edward on the west. You will have many memorable safari holiday moments as you photograph hippos in the shallows with their jaws gaping, crocodiles basking in the sunshine, and buffaloes and elephants grazing on the banks.

Travel to the Ishasha sector in Queen Elizabeth Park and you may spot majestic lions with an incredible skill: the ability to climb trees. Have your camera ready so you can photograph them napping in the fig trees or lying in wait for grazing antelope - the endemic kob. In all, the reserve is known for close to 95 species of mammals and more than 600 varieties of birdlife. With the assistance of the expert AfricanMecca guide who will be accompanying you on your safari drives, you’ll hopefully get lucky and see a good many of them. Queen Elizabeth Park now has a network of about 200 kilometers of tracks that make wildlife viewing easy. Before you leave, do take the time to interact with the local communities in the outskirts villages for a cultural tour of Uganda.

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Our Top 9 Safari Activities In Queen Elizabeth - Things You Can Do & See

Activities Content - Start Here

1. Game Drives To View The Diverse Wildlife Of Queen Elizabeth
2. Boat Safaris On Kazinga Channel
3. Birding Safaris In Different Queen Elizabeth Habitats
4. Chimpanzee Trekking Safaris In Kyambura Gorge
5. Katwe Explosion Crater Tour
6. Cultural & Community Tours Near Queen Elizabeth Park
7. Experiential Wildlife Research Tours In Queen Elizabeth
8. Nature Walks, Scenic Hikes & Primate Treks In Queen Elizabeth
9. Experience the Tree-Climbing Lions of Ishasha
Our Top 9 Safari Activities In Queen Elizabeth & Things You Can Do & See In Queen Elizabeth

1. Game Drives To View The Diverse Wildlife Of Queen Elizabeth

Key Takeaways

  • Game drives in special custom-built 4x4 safari vehicles made available by AfricanMecca
  • Two drives, one in the morning at 6:30 a.m. and late afternoon at 4 p.m.
  • Opportunity to explore 1,978 square kilometers of the stunning wilderness
Queen Elizabeth National Park is famous for the wildlife it supports. The Albertine Rift Valley floor boasts a diverse variety of wildlife, and you might encounter Ugandan kob, buffalo, elephant, and other grazers, along with predators like the lion, leopard, hyena, hippo, and smaller cats including the civet, genet, and serval. Go on game drive trips to view these magnificent species under the supervision of an expert guide, who will give you insight into their unique behaviors. The animals that don't exist in the park are zebras, giraffes, rhinos, wildebeests, wild dogs and cheetahs.

The tour consultants at AfricanMecca Safaris offer special custom-built 4x4 safari vehicles for your excursions. Typically, game drives in Queen Elizabeth Park (best time to go) are undertaken in the early morning, beginning around 6:30 am, and around 4:00 pm in the afternoons. After tea and coffee, you can leave for your wildlife-viewing adventure. The north Kazinga and Kasenyi Plains are known for sightings of warthog, bushbuck, waterbuck, buffalo, giant forest hog, elephants, lion, and leopard. Explore the Ishasha Sector in the south to see the tree-climbing lions that are often seen napping in the fig trees. The southern sector of the reserve is largely untouched, and you are unlikely to see many other tourists here.
Game Drives To View The Diverse Wildlife Of Queen Elizabeth

2. Boat Safaris On Kazinga Channel

Key Takeaways

  • Kazinga Channel traversing a distance of 32 kilometers connecting Lake George on the east with lake Edward on the west
  • Sightings of hippos and crocodiles on the banks of the channel along with various other species feeding and drinking
  • The smaller boats have a seating space of 10 to 12 guests with canopies for shade from the sun, guests have the option of booking private boats also available
  • Refreshments served on board during the ride
  • Each excursion lasting two hours and starting at 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.
The Kazinga Channel is one of the main highlights of Queen Elizabeth National Park, and as you cruise down this scenic waterway, you will understand why. A natural artery, the channel connects the smaller Lake George on the east to Lake Edward on the west. The Kazinga Channel spans a distance of 32 kilometers, and as you travel along its length, you will begin to experience the awe and wonder felt by early explorers who were among the first Europeans to see the natural treasures of the park. Look out for the pods of hippos yawning in aggression or endorsing its territory, while massive Nile crocodiles skim the shallows. You might also spot some of the 100 species of Uganda’s aquatic birds of Queen Elizabeth Park, or catch sight of elephants, buffaloes, and antelopes drinking on the water’s edge.

The smaller boats can comfortably seat 10 to 12 guests and have canopies for shade from the sun, along with safety equipment for your protection. You will also be treated to refreshments to enjoy while the guides offer in-depth information about the park denizens you come across. Your 2-hour excursion will begin at 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. at the Mweya jetty. You also have the option of booking a trip on a private boat, which leaves at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. every afternoon.
Boat Safaris On Kazinga Channel

3. Birdwatching Safaris In Different Habitats Of Queen Elizabeth

Key Takeaways

  • “Important Bird and Biodiversity Area” (IBA) declared by Birdlife International
  • Queen Elizabeth Park hosts over 600 species of birds
  • Diverse landscapes providing unique habitats that support them
If you are a dedicated birder, Queen Elizabeth National Park is one of the best places to visit on your birdwatching safari in Africa. The reserve has been declared an “Important Bird and Biodiversity Area” (IBA) by Birdlife International, thanks to the more than 600 species of avian life it supports including 100 water birds and 54 raptors. Uganda is home to more than 60% of the indigenous and migratory birdlife in Africa. In all, Uganda has over 1,000 kinds of birds. The park’s incredible variety of landscapes — including savannah grasslands, dense forests, wetlands, and lake and channel shores — form habitats for an array of intriguing creatures that you will enjoy photographing on your safari holiday.

Look for colorful species such as flamingos on the salt lakes, fish eagles, marabou storks, shoebill storks, weaver birds, great egrets, elusive forest fly-catchers, white-naped pigeons, cormorants, Rwenzori turacos, and owls. The prime locales for ornithology are the Katwe area, Katunguru Bridge, Lake Kikorongo, Ishasha sector, Mweya Peninsula, Maramagambo, Kalinzu and Kyambura Gorge, Kasenyi Plains, and the Kazinga Channel.

As your tour consultant at AfricanMecca Safaris will advise, the perfect season for bird watching excursions in the Queen Elizabeth Park is from end of May to September. The migratory birds arrive in November and leave by April. The peak rainy months of April and November bring abundance of food that leads to a lot of avian activity though trails can be slippery, and also roads and airstrips can be challenging to navigate. You may want to set aside 2 to 3 days dedicated specifically to the birds.

Below is a list of some of the birds of Queen Elizabeth National Park

  • African Broadbill
  • African Jacana
  • African Skimmer
  • Bar-tailed Godwit
  • Black Bee-eater
  • Black Crake
  • Black-ramped Buttonquail
  • Black & African Emerals Cuckoos
  • Black-rumped Buttonquail
  • Broad-tailed Warbler
  • Chapin’s Flycatcher
  • Collard Pranticles
  • Corncrake
  • Fish Eagle
  • Green Hylia
  • Grey Wood Pecker
  • Grey-eaded Kingfisher
  • Hairy Breasted Barbet
  • Knob-billed Ducks
  • Lesser and Greater Flamingo
  • Long-tailed Cormorants
  • Malachite
  • Martial Eagle
  • Open-billed Stork
  • Papyrus Canary
  • Papyrus Gonolek
  • Pied Kingfishers
  • Pink and White Backed Pelicans
  • Pinkbacked Pelican
  • Purple-headed Starling
  • Shoebill
  • Speckled Tinkerbird
  • Spur-winged Plovers
  • Squacco Heron
  • Swamp Fly-catcher
  • Thin-tailed Nightjars
  • Verdant Gorge
  • Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl
  • Water-thick Knee
  • Wattled Plovers
  • White Winged Terns
  • White-faced Whistling
  • White-spotted Fluff Tail
  • White-tailed Lark
  • White-winged Warbler
  • Yellow Backed Weavers
Birdwatching Safaris In Different Habitats Of Queen Elizabeth

4. Chimpanzee Trekking Safaris In Kyambura Gorge

Key Takeaways

  • Deep valley located on the east of the park, gorge cut into the landscape by the Kyambura River
  • 10 different kinds of primate species
  • Family of habituated chimpanzees along with a fabulous array of birdlife
  • Trekking expeditions starting at 8 a.m. or 2 p.m.
  • Each hike lasting for around 1 to 5 hours depending on the location of the chimpanzees on that particular day
On the east of Queen Elizabeth National Park lies the Kyambura Gorge, a deep valley cut by the Kyambura River. Should you go on treks in the gorge, you will find a dense forest covered by a canopy of trees so thick that the sunshine filters to the floor in patches. In this land that time forgot, you may encounter a family of chimpanzees that are habituated to the presence of humans. You can spot them overhead, swinging from one branch to another with incredible agility as they travel through the forest foraging for food. Aside from chimps, you can also find the vervet monkey, black and white colobus monkey, olive baboon, and red-tailed monkey. In all, up to 10 species of primates thrive in Queen Elizabeth Park and are primarily found in the gorge.

To give you the best possible chance of spotting chimpanzees, your tour consultant at AfricanMecca Safaris may combine your excursion with a hike to Kalinzu Forest, which is located about a 30-minute drive from Kyambura Gorge. This forest is also known for the family of 40 chimpanzees that live here. A typical chimpanzee-tracking hike can last anywhere from 1 to 5 hours, depending on the location of the primates you are looking for. Treks generally begin at 8 a.m. or 2 p.m. The landscape of the gorge is breathtakingly beautiful, but can present a challenge because of the steep slopes and uneven trail. However, you’ll be rewarded on this trip with viewing and hearing the songs of various birds, like the African finfoot, various falcons, and blue-headed bee-eater, to name a few. We also recommend extending out to Kibale National Park for your chimpanzees safari trek.
Chimpanzee Trekking Safaris In Kyambura Gorge

5. Katwe Explosion Crater Tour

Key Takeaways

  • Katwe explosion craters, so called because of the force with which they exploded and spewed ash around an extensive radius
  • Some craters transforming into scenic lakes during specific seasons while others have saltwater acting as magnets for large numbers of flamingos feeding on the blue-green algae
  • Sightings of herds of elephants, and warthogs, and hippos in the shallows
  • Main crater locations at Ndali-Kasenda Crater Field, Bunyaruguru Crater Field on the slopes of Kichwamba, and Katwe Explosion Craters
  • Driving to the massive Kyemengo Crater and saltwater Lake Katwe having a depth of 3,265 feet
Avid globetrotters have probably seen crater lakes elsewhere. However, the craters of Queen Elizabeth National Park get a special distinction, being known as “explosion” craters. Located on the bed of the Albertine Rift Valley, these circular depressions were left behind by eruptions so powerful that they spewed ash and debris over a large radius around their vents. Today, as you explore them on your Uganda safari vacation, you will see that they have transformed into scenic lakes that carry water during certain parts of the year. Some of the lakes feature saltwater and are frequented by warblers and flamingos, which filter-feed on the blue-green algae that grows in their alkaline waters. You may also spot herds of elephants, as well as warthogs and hippos in the shallows.

The craters are mainly clustered in three locations: Katwe Explosion Craters in Queen Elizabeth Park, the panoramic Ndali-Kasenda Crater Field, close to the Kibale National Park, and the striking Bunyaruguru Crater Field on the slopes of Kichwamba. While traveling in the park, you will have the opportunity to visit the massive Kyemengo Crater and Lake Katwe, which has a maximum depth of 3,265 feet and a highly saline water content.

As your tour guide will explain, the lakes have been the site of salt-extraction operations since pre-colonial times. The 85% sodium chloride salt taken from these lakes remains valuable even today. The local people living within Queen Elizabeth National Park still follow their traditional methods of salt mining, allowing water to collect in salt pan compartments at the edge of the lake and gathering the salt that remains behind after the water evaporates.
Katwe Explosion Crater Tour

6. Cultural & Community Tours Near Queen Elizabeth Park

Key Takeaways

  • Spending time with the local communities and tribes for an immersive cultural experience
  • Participating in traditional music and dance forms and learning to make medicines and handicrafts
  • Sampling local snacks at the Bakiga Village and watching women’s activities at the massive Kyemengo Crater and Lake Katwe
  • Understanding processes for extracting salt from the lakes and processing it at the Katwe Tourism Information Centre (KATIC)
  • Visits to the Nyanz’ibiri Cave Community to see the cultural museum and walks to the Katara and Leopard Villages
During your cultural safari tour in Queen Elizabeth National Park, you’ll have the opportunity to spend time with the local communities and tribes that live on the outskirts of the reserve. Interact with the people and have an immersive cultural experience by learning about their traditional lifestyles and experiencing their arts, crafts, dance and music forms, all deeply integrated with nature. Close to the Ishasha sector is a community headed by a village elder who is adept at explaining the local crafts, understands the use of herbs for making medicines, and practices subsistence farming using organic farming methods. He will also talk to you about the strategies used to keep bush pigs, elephants, and baboons out of his crops.

Your experiential vacation in Uganda will be enriched by lessons from the womenfolk of Queen Elizabeth Park, who are known for their impressive talents in craft-making, processing farm produce, cooking, and caring for members of the tribe. At the Bakiga village, you may also get a traditional snack to carry with you. Stop by the massive Kyemengo Crater and Lake Katwe and you can learn traditional dances, learn to make a fire, and hear some of the age-old lore of the region, complete with tales and riddles. If you would like to watch the process of extracting salt from lake water and packaging it for sale, be sure to include a visit to the Katwe Tourism Information Centre (KATIC) in your Queen Elizabeth National Park trip itinerary.

Yet another highlight of the park is the Nyanz’ibiri Cave Community, the local term for twin lakes in the Bunyaruguru crater region. Visit the cultural museum here, which houses old tools and was built using ancestral architectural styles. A 2- to 3-hour agro-tour walk to Katara Village in the morning or evening, and a visit to Leopard Village, are among the other interesting cultural activities to do here.
Cultural & Community Tours Near Queen Elizabeth Park

7. Experiential Wildlife Research Tours In Queen Elizabeth

Key Takeaways

  • Experiential activity in the company of researchers as they conduct habituation processes
  • Developing an in-depth understanding of animal behavior, migratory paths, and habitats
  • Studying how the ecosystem of the biomes function with each creature playing its part
  • Each expedition lasting between 1 and 3 hours with only a limited number of guests permitted
  • Excursions include taking hippo census, bird countings, and tracking lions and mongoose
At AfricanMecca Safaris, we now have an activity option that wildlife enthusiasts will absolutely love: the opportunity to step into the shoes of researchers and understand how they study animal behavior, their movements, migratory paths, and habitats in Queen Elizabeth National Park (where to stay). Choose the experiential activity and you can learn how rangers use locator devices to monitor animal locations. Get a lesson in habituation calls and understand how animals respond to weather conditions and their surroundings. As you travel with the researchers, you may develop a more in-depth understanding of the delicate biomes of the reserve and its fascinating denizens.

Some of the experiential tourism activities you can participate in at Queen Elizabeth Park include bird counts, a hippo census, lion tracking, and mongoose tracking. Each expedition lasts for between 1 and 3 hours and accepts a limited number of guests, which minimizes the possibility of disturbing the animals and ensures that visitors enjoy their excursion. With the assistance of the tour consultant at AfricanMecca Safaris, you can book this activity for the early morning or the evening.
Experiential Wildlife Research Tours In Queen Elizabeth

8. Nature Walks, Scenic Hikes & Primate Treks In Queen Elizabeth

Key Takeaways

  • Nature walks in different locations such as the Mweya Peninsula enjoying vistas of the Kazinga Channel, grasslands, and Lake Edward that abound with a rich diversity of avian life
  • Following the edges of the Ishasha River for sightings of hippos in the water
  • Trekking in the rainforests of Maramagambo, Kalinzu and Kyambura Gorge to spot some of the 10 species of primates and a host of colorful birds with an occasional leopard in a tree
  • Traveling out to Lake Kyasanduka and Lake Nyamasingiri, which is a haven for birdwatchers
Aside from the typical game drives, nature walks in Queen Elizabeth Park offer you an opportunity to experience the smaller intricacies and symbiotic relationships among the reserve’s flora and fauna. You can book hiking tours in various locations of the park, including the Mweya Peninsula, where you can enjoy superb panoramas of the Kazinga Channel, sprawling grasslands, and Lake Edward, with different animals and birds coming to drink on the shores. Should you explore the south side of the park, you can skirt the edges of the Ishasha River and revel in the sight of hippos in the water from the elevation on the banks.

Trekking in the rainforests of Maramagambo, Kalinzu and Kyambura Gorge, in Queen Elizabeth Park, can introduce you to some of the 10 species of primates that thrive here, including the chimpanzee, black and white colobus monkey, vervet monkey, red-tailed monkey, blue monkey, and the elusive L’Hoest monkey. You may also spot a leopard hidden in a tree, along with a host of forest birds like the sunbird, woodpecker, greenbul, and various others. Other interesting locales to hike or trek in in Uganda are around Lake Kyasanduka and and Lake Nyamasingiri, a delightful mecca for birdwatchers, where you can look for avian life like the chestnut wattle eye, Scaly-breasted illadopsis, and snowy-headed robin-chat.
Nature Walks, Scenic Hikes & Primate Treks In Queen Elizabeth

9. Experience The Tree-Climbing Lions Of Ishasha

Key Takeaways

  • Located on the southern section of the park and known for unusual tree-climbing lions
  • This excursion is best combined with a tour of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
  • Abounding with a host of grazers like herds of Ugandan kob and waterbuck
Your visit to Queen Elizabeth National Park would not be complete without a tour of the Ishasha sector, which lies on the south side of the reserve. Your consultant at AfricanMecca Safaris will recommend that you combine your excursion to this part of the park with a visit to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park for gorilla trek safaris. As you spend a couple of hours on game drives in Ishasha, you may encounter a rare and fascinating sight: lions perched on the branches of fig trees, napping in the warm sun or lying in wait for Ugandan kob or waterbuck to wander close enough to snag. This incredible sight can also be seen in Lake Manyara National Park in northern Tanzania.
Experience The Tree-Climbing Lions Of Ishasha

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Queen Elizabeth has varied accommodations, from the luxuries of Kyambura Gorge Lodge to the deluxe option of Ishasha Wilderness Camp. The value lodge options are Katara, Elephant Plains Lodge and Mweya.

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Experience safari game drives in the vast savannah of the Kasenyi plains and Ishasha sector to trekking wild chimpanzee on foot in Kyambura Gorge. Birders can go on a boat excursions on Kazinga Channel.

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Like most locations in Africa, Queen Elizabeth National Park has two wet rainy seasons and two dry seasons. June, July and August is the best time to visit Queen Elizabeth National Park in western Uganda.


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  • AfricanMecca Safaris offers incredibly knowledgeable and skilled services! Our travel arrangements for 2 months of volunteering with TEACH Rwanda in country were made quickly and economically. Honored to work with Raza!
    Janet Brown - TEACH Rwanda Founder - United States
  • I just returned from a month in Africa, specifically Rwanda & Kenya. I am left breathless with my experience. AfricanMecca Safaris coordinated the entire trip for me and left no detail, nothing for me to do.
    Carol Bobb - Pennsylvania, United States
  • AfricanMecca Safaris created a remarkable honeymoon tailored to our interests and desires. The quality of service and delivery of experience was unsurpassed. I highly recommend AfricanMecca Safaris to honeymooners, families, or any traveler.
    Noorin & Jason Nelson - Maryland, United States
  • I booked my safari holiday through AfricanMecca. They were the most helpful company I have ever dealt with and I work within the travel industry. I had the most amazing time. The holiday went as clockwork with no hitches anywhere.
    Shelley Roberts - Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom
  • This is to let you know my guests, The Bryant's, had a wonderful time on the trip Samburu, Masai Mara/Kenya, Chobe/Botswana & Victoria Falls/Zambia. Everything was perfect! Thank you.
    Christine Milan - MT Carmel Travel - Connecticut, United States
  • We have returned from our African adventure and would like to thank you very much for your part in making this such a wonderful experience. We were lucky enough to time the Great Migration from the Serengeti, which was amazing.
    Denise Paterson - Belmont, Australia
  • Rwanda was amazing. The accommodations, food, and guides AfricanMecca arranged were great. Raza also helped us through the complicated process of getting permits for gorilla trekking. AfricanMecca is a fantastic company to work with.
    Stephanie Weir - United States


When visiting Queen Elizabeth for your wildlife safari, we recommend combining it with Bwindi Park for your gorilla safari trek, Murchison Falls, and Kibale (chimpanzee safari) alongside your city tour visits of Kampala and Entebbe.

You may optionally extend out to other wilderness areas such as Mgahinga to track down golden monkeys and gorillas in the same park, Jinja for whitewater rafting on the Nile River, and Semliki, Lake Mburo or Kidepo for an offbeat wildlife tour.

You can end your vacation on the beach at Lake Victoria or even extending out to the exotic spice island of Zanzibar or Lamu, or even Mombasa.

Best Safari Planning Ideas & Trip Experiences For Uganda

Below are guide references on how to plan each of the below safari experience in Uganda. Alternatively, go to the summary section for a quick overview of each trip planning experience.

1. How To Plan Uganda Safari Trips? (Summary)

2. Wildlife Safari Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

3. Private & Tailor-Made Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

4. Honeymoon Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

5. Family Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

6. Luxury Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

7. Photo Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

8. Cultural Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

9. Gorilla, Chimpanzee & Primate Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

10. Hike, Trek & Bush Walk Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

11. Birding Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda

12. Wedding Safaris Trip Planning Guide For Uganda



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